Qoute from The EMT Spot

"There is a patient out there who is on a collision course with your skills. They don't know you yet. You've never met them either. They have no idea that they are going to meet you in the future, but the day they do, they will test you." From The EMT Spot

Monday, May 24, 2010

Scary Point

I am at an interesting point in my paramedic training, I know just enough to be very dangerous. I have learned just how much ignorance I actually have working as an EMT, but have not learned all I need to be a paramedic. This creates the situation where I hesitate when working as an EMT because I don't have the tools to use the information I now have. I am glad that most of the calls I am on are fairly straight forward and BLS has been enough, but am looking forward to having the tools to go with the knowledge. I think that is the best part of being a paramedic student, knowing that when it is over and done with I will have more and better tools to help people when they call. I have also grown to have much more respect for the paramedics I have worked with because now I have a much better idea of how they function.

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